Wednesday, June 6, 2012

30 by 30 Update

Slow and steady wins the race? Man, I hope so. I have been making the slowest possible trek through this list. I think I got so caught up with training for a 5k so that I could mark that one off that everything else took a back seat. Still, I want to go over a quick update on the couple of things that I did complete and maybe the little pat on the back will encourage me to knuckle down and get through some more.

1. Lose 10 pounds

This is pretty heavily tied in to running the 5k. I started training for the 5k around the end of January. At the time I weighed in at 175 pounds. I was pretty down because that's the most I've ever weighed and I know a main factor was all of the junk food that I ate after moving down here and we were temporarily kitchenless. The weight gain seemed so slow that it was easy to rationalize the crap food at the time because I didn't notice the effects for a while. I'm not a healthy eating idol or anything but that was definitely a low point. So by adding in 4 to 5 times a week of running/walking as I built up my endurance for the 5k I was able to totally shed my 10 pounds. In fact, as of now I'm at 159 pounds. So yay me for losing 16 pounds so far!! So now I want to update my goal to lose about 15 or 20 more pounds by the end of the year. That would put me around 140 which is my goal weight and one that I haven't been in about 10 years.

8. Have toys for sale at the consignment shop in town

As I mentioned in a previous post I completed a super cute white squirrel toy and put it up in the consignment shop in town. They let me know about a week ago that it actually sold and the woman was interested in buying more! I've got a second one almost finished. It's just missing the eyes because I've somehow managed to lose one of the backings and can't find it anywhere in the house. I may have to order some more online before I can finish it.

12. Run a 5k

I'm totally most proud of having completed this one. I'm planning to frame my number and be a super geek about forever. I still don't think I'd really consider myself a runner but, sort of contradicting that, I've been seriously thinking about pushing myself so that I can run a 10k this year. I'm still slow but I'm constantly amazed that I can run for over 30 minutes and not die. 

This was the first item that I was able to check off the list. I love me some reading and George R.R. Martin is crazy good so this was much more pleasurable to complete than losing weight or running. When Chris gave me the book for my birthday last year I was excited but I also, stubbornly, decided that I wanted to reread the entire series in order to truly appreciate the newest book. So that meant rereading four other books, each clocking in at around 1000 pages and now that I no longer have a couple of hours on the subway to read it took forever. Still, I'm glad that I reread them and I loved the new book. That man can write sci-fi like nobody's business.

In The Works
The house is being painted as we speak! He started about a week ago and it looks badass. I'll put up some before and after shots when it's all done.

I have started a one sentence a day journal that I've kept up consistently for about two weeks so that's something.

The stitch and bitch, roller derby, transylvania handcrafter's guild meeting, and next meteor shower are all on my calendar over the next month.

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